16 de diciembre de 2024


What is the truth in what we have always been told about citrus fruits and their characteristics? We analyse some of the most widespread myths.

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Citrus fruits are one of the most widely consumed fruits due to their excellent health benefits. We associate vitamin C intake with the autumn and winter months, which is why fruits such as oranges, mandarins and grapefruit are among the most widely consumed, helping us to resist the cold temperatures typical of these months.


However, what is the truth in what we have always been told about citrus fruits and their characteristics? At Cañamás Hnos we have analysed some of the most widespread myths about our fruits: 


1. Vitamins are lost when juicing: MYTH

Vitamins contained in citrus fruits do not disappear when juicing. Vitamin C remains intact once citrus fruit has been squeezed and does not lose its properties immediately. With prolonged exposure to oxygen and sunlight, vitamin C does begin to oxidise. But we would have to leave an orange juice at room temperature for about 12 hours for it to lose all its properties. And when it comes to delicious orange or clementine juice, no one is going to wait that long. The best thing to do? Drink the juice freshly squeezed so that it retains all its flavour and benefits.   


2. Fruit has a lot of sugar: MYTH

Citrus fruits do contain sugar, but the sugar found in fruit is called intrinsic sugar, which is naturally present in different types of fruit. This sugar, in combination with the fibre and other nutrients in citrus fruits, helps our metabolism, e.g. to obtain energy. By eating fresh fruit, we get a better absorption of nutrients and vitamins.   


Does the juice contain more sugar than the fresh fruit? It does not contain more, but the absorption in our body is different. Unlike the intrinsic sugar in fresh fruit, the sugar in squeezed fruit is considered free sugar as it loses the fibre (soluble and insoluble) that facilitates its absorption by the body and is therefore metabolised more quickly. 


If we can choose, it is better to consume fresh citrus fruits to better maintain all their nutrients. And as a second option, freshly squeezed juice. 


3. Eating fruit before eating is less fattening: MYTH

The mathematical saying that ‘the order of the factors does not alter the product’ applies to dismantle this phrase that we have heard so many times. Citrus fruits, and fruit in general, have the same calorie intake regardless of the time of day


What we do achieve by eating fruit before we start is to arrive at the main course less hungry and, therefore, we eat less. By altering order, what we achieve is to ensure that we eat fruit, as we often arrive at dessert satiated and skip it. The important thing is that any time of the day is a good time to eat seasonal fruit.


4. Citrus fruits are a source of vitamin C: TRUTH

Citrus fruits are one of the fruits with the highest vitamin C content. An orange provides about 50mg of vitamin C per 100g of fruit, a mandarin orange about 31mg per 100g of fruit and a grapefruit can provide up to 60% of the vitamin CRDI. 


Vitamin C is present whether the fruit is consumed fresh or in juice. Due to its antioxidant capacity, it helps to improve iron absorption, wound healing and boosts the body's defence mechanisms.


5. Citrus fruits have high nutritional value: TRUTH 

Beyond vitamin C, which is the first benefit we think of when we mention citrus fruits, these fruits are a great source of vitamins and nutrients. Composed mainly of water and carbohydrates, they have a low-calorie intake, between 40-50 calories per 100g of fruit depending on the type of citrus fruit. Due to their high-water content, citrus fruits are a great source of hydration, making them a great ally in the care of our health. 


Citrus fruits are also considered prebiotic foods due to their soluble fibre content, which improves intestinal transit, and fruits rich in antioxidants and folic acid, especially grapefruit.


6. Cañamás citrus fruits come from sustainable farming: TRUTH.

In Spain, one of the main citrus-producing countries in Europe, we can boast of offering a seasonal and local product, improving environmental and economic sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint. 


Cañamás Hnos citrus fruits are grown following agricultural techniques that are not invasive to the environment, always respecting the life cycle of the ecosystem. And not only cultivation, but thanks to the BIODiversity Grow certification in production, packaging and sustainable marketing, we can ensure a horizontal and transversal sustainable process in all areas of production, adding value to the quality and safety of our citrus fruits. 


Now that we know a little more about citrus fruits, the only thing left to do is to choose from all the varieties available. You can read more about our varieties on our website.